The 5 Love Languages

"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option" - Mark Twain

In this Monday article I will introduce you for what are the 5 languages of love, and in the next articles how them influence the way you interact with your partner. Is important to convey a positive view of knowing our partners and not explore their vulnerabilities, or take power over them.  

As you must realize we all have one favorite way to communicate with others and how we express our feelings to them. But do you know your love language, mostly when you don't realize which one is, on the long run can cause distress and even breakup the relationship because don't match your partner's love language? 

It's very rare that women and men have the same first emotional love language. 
You may face many times the fact that your partner don't fully understand you, you may have times where you feel completely disconnected, you may feel neglected or your message don't reach the other side and produce the effects you desire. 

I want assure you that you can completely turn around the way you live your relationship and how you see your partner. More than understand your first emotional love language you'll got the right tools to understand and connect with your partner through his/her emotional love language. 

In fact having a secure style of attachment and being responsive to a partner's ever changing needs lead to the outcome most couples desire, long-term happiness and satisfaction. 

Knowing someone's love language is like learning their true name, give you the insight into who they are deep down. For better or for worse. 

The first thing to recognize is that passion is what it is, temporary emotional peak, and after that we will be able or not to develop love. Love another requires real work and real commitment. We are born, not for fall in love, but for being loved by someone as a conscious choice. 

Remember that you chose your partner because you can see he/she has something that you value and you see it as a dignify quality to love. Intentional love. 

Intentional love, real love is like a tank full of gold. When the tank is full, when your partner feels safe about your love will be able to explore his/her inner self and express it through the world. When the tank is empty resentment will take place and poison the connection you share. 

The 5 love languages are:

1. Affirmation Words;

2. Quality of time;

3. Receive Presents; 

4. Ways to serve;

5. Physical touch;

Remember, love is a choice!

see you next article,



Photo by Anne-Claire Brun


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